Jan 31, 2012

Oil of Oregano & 1Q84

I was not feeling good last night, so I took several drops of Oil of Oregano and went to bed early. My husband's little sister, Amy, told us about this and we have been taking it for a few years now. We have a few bottles in the house as this is now our rescue remedy when we start feel the first sign of a cold, sore throat or just anytime when we don't feel right. Next day after we take these drops, we are just fine. It's  magic.

It taste awful though... very bitter, spicy (?) and very hot. You don't want to make a mistake by dropping it on your lips when you take them. Put several drops under your tongue, wait for 30 seconds and drink water. It's Oregano, so it has the flavour of Pizza! Not bad at all.

I started reading the first few pages of the book "1Q84". It's a novel by Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author. The book was really popular in Japan a few years ago, and it was published in English just before Christmas last year.

My husband likes his books. He describes Murakami as a very imaginative author. Although my husband often says you can't stop reading once you are into the story, I don't know about this piece as this is a 925 page hardcover novel. It's really heavy and not a good book to read in bed.

It would be so much faster for me to read this in Japanese as it is awkward to hold, heavy and small letters!  It's like a text book for me...

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