Apr 21, 2012

Lawn Mower

Being first time house owners, we are learning it costs a lot of $$. As we were living in a condo in downtown Vancouver for so many years, there are many things we didn't own that are necessary for the home owner. One of the many things is a lawn mower. So, we purchased our first lawn mower! It's an electric, we didn't want a gas powered one as they are noisy and not environmentally friendly. But we decided not to buy a push mower as everyone recommended avoiding them including sister Amy and my father in Japan.

Anyway, it's light, powerful and it comes with a bag to put behind the mower. I need to learn how to operate this machine too! Just need to be careful not to run over the cord!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Dad A4/22/12, 4:20 AM

    Wow That's a nice looking machine.
