May 18, 2012

Japanese Maple

Apparently the blessing I gave the Japanese Maple at my in-law's place 10 years ago worked really well. It has grown a lot and now it is big and healthy.

Today I planted our Japanese Maple in the back yard. Did I give it a blessing...? Oh no, I forgot!

One of the Rhododendrons bloomed this morning. It is bright Pink! We didn't plant any of these flowers, so we had no idea what colour they would be. I'm happy to see some colourful flowers as our back yard is quite green looking.

I think this bright blue flower is called Lithodora Grace Ward. We were not sure if they were alive during the winter as the colour was a rotten looking black. But they bloomed very nicely and adding some nice colour in the front yard.

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Dad A5/19/12, 5:39 AM

    Wow! How beautiful are those flowers! what a nice surprise for you. I remember the Rhododendrons in the back and wondering what kind of flower it was. Is the blue flower next to the house in the front?
    Looking forward to seeing your patio set.
    You "homeowners" are doing an amazing job.
