Jun 2, 2012


We have had our hummingbird feeder up for a week. I was supposed to have a shot of a bird by now but I haven't had a chance to catch the right moment!

For a week, I was wondering why no birds came to drink the nectar..., and I learned that they don't like that packaged nectar that came with the feeder! Picky birds!

This morning I made my own nectar and I spotted the first bird hanging around the feeder for a while and he drank it! Yay! As they are such fast flying birds, it's so hard to take a shot of them. I will keep trying...

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Dad A6/3/12, 5:46 AM

    That's a lovely picture with the humming bird feeder. Great that you discovered what they like to eat! They're interesting to watch.
    We had a laugh at your explanation of the names of the Sushi restaurants. Dad's favourite was
    "Sumo Sushi"
    Loving your blog
