Sep 18, 2012

Smart Meter

When I came home yesterday afternoon, I noticed something was hanging at the front door knob. It was a notice from BC Hydro saying "Save Money using a Smart Meter!" Yes, they installed the Smart Meter while I was out, without our permission!

As you may know, there are many groups of people protesting the instillation of the Smart Meters. Their main concern is the wireless radiation from the meter will increase our risks of illness. Secondly it will submit our use of the electricity and personal info to BC Hydro using wireless signals = raises privacy and security concerns....

So, what to do?

There are high levels of radiation exist already wherever we go, even in the house, Wi-Fi, cordless phones, cell phones, etc.. So now we have additional radiation now.

I guess at this point, we just need to protect ourselves. I.E., don't sleep in the room where the Smart Meter was installed, use a ear-phone when we talk on the cell phone, hold the cell phone away from your head/ear, etc... I heard some cactus plants can help absorbing radiation from the computer... ?

I bet some Japanese inventors will have some great ideas. I will research and share it next time.

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Dad A9/20/12, 6:40 AM

    Yes, we had to smart meters installed without any request from us. Dad says they don't need permission. Apparently they don't add very much to the risk of radiation, but still it would be good if someone came up with a solution. Snoop doesn't seem too worried there.
