Aug 31, 2012

Snoopy in the sky!

Our Snoop dog is a super dog, but I don't think he can fly :-(

I just found this news from Japan online about "Snoopy Blimps in the sky of Japan". Apparently Snoopy is a company logo for the Alico Insurance Company and they decided to fly this blimp. I want to see it! (Pictures are from Met Life/Alico Japan)

Snoopy flies over Tokyo

1 comment:

  1. ya know - we grew up watching commercials of snoppy advertising for MetLife...but i didn't know they blimped him!! i bet yer snoop dog could fly if you got 'em the right 'doogles' & scarf...

    oh - and by the way - it was 3 degrees here this about end of summer!!
