Sep 5, 2012

Farewell and Good luck Buster!

My buddy has departed for his new home. Buster, the 8 yr old pit bull who has been at the SPCA for almost half a year finally found his forever home. I had been walking him since this Spring and I was in love with this senior dog ♥

He was surrendered by his former owner as he was aggressive towards other animals and the training was not going well... We, the volunteers and staff at the SPCA, didn't find Buster an aggressive dog at all, in fact, he was such a nice mannered & gentle guy.

Although he was a star in the kennel, he was not popular in the public as he is a pit bull and the fact he was 8 yrs old. No one showed an interest in him for the last 6 months, and yesterday a guy who lives just outside of town gave the SPCA a call. This guy lost his beloved Rottweiler and was looking for a new companion. I heard he is also a senior, so senior to senior will be a good match.

I went to the SPCA this morning and walked Buster for the last time. We had a great time together out in the field and I wished him good luck. I will miss you, but I am very happy for you.


  1. Mom and Dad A9/6/12, 6:04 AM

    Well that's great news about Buster! So happy for that great dog.

  2. hurray for buster!!! yeah!! so so glad he he found a forever home...phew!! we were trying to figure out he could live in GF and we could have visits ....
    thank goodness!!
