Mar 24, 2012

Cedar Hedge Project Day 1

Beautiful Saturday. Perfect day for gardening!

Although my husband had to do more field work after the overnight trip and I had a choir lesson in the afternoon, we managed to start the cedar hedge project.

Today's big task was to remove the gravel and grass and start to dig the trench for the hedges. It was a hard job.... Around 4 in the afternoon, we started digging. There were so many rocks including some huge ones and we realized it will take longer than we thought to complete this project... to be continued...
Snoop, you are so NOT helpful! Snoozing in the sun...

End of Day 1...lots more to do...

1 comment:

  1. Ok first of all Yuka- only u could make spam look (& apparently tastegorges good. Go figure. As far as the cedar tree project... I think snoop is the smart one in the bunch. Nothing like a good sunshine patch while everyone around u works..,
