Mar 25, 2012

Cedar Hedge Project - Day 2

Done! 21 cedar trees are in. 
We just need some Advil, a few glasses of wine and good night sleep.
Done, done and done!

Some of the rocks we found when we dug the trench for the hedge.


  1. Wow. Nice work u guys. The hedge I'd great. And I love the rock buckets ... Looks like an art instalation. What will u do wit them all? And where was snoop in all this?

  2. Mom and Dad A3/26/12, 5:51 AM

    ..and it looks lovely and perfect! Great job!
    Yes, we can believe that you're tired.
    We were thinking about you yesterday and talking with Amy about your project. It's hard for us to imagine that you did all that in one day.

    Have a rest now and enjoy some well deserved wine.
