Mar 18, 2012

Happy Birthday

March 16 was my husband's birthday.  On the actual day we were both busy, so we decided to do a nice meal at home on the weekend.

There was a 14lbs turkey sitting in the deep freeze since Christmas and we decided to cook that big bird! Didn't we eat Turkey on Christmas? Yes, we did have an 18lbs turkey with my in-laws, sister in-law and us.... I bought the 14 lbs turkey first, but didn't think it was big enough, so I bought another one ... Silly me... Anyway, everyone enjoyed the biggest bird at Christmas, and we ended up with the other turkey, so we are all happy :)

Forgot to take a picture of the birthday dinner as we were too busy eating, so I thought I should share the shocking moment of Snoop's encounter with the Big Bird at Christmas. My dog is 18 lbs too!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Dad a3/19/12, 10:27 AM

    Once again we had a good laugh about that picture of Snoop. You could write a lot of captions under that picture.

    Bet you're enjoying some great turkey soup now.
